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Test platforms for real-time evaluation of FireHawk™ Ruggedized Optical Transceivers.
As data rates increase, trace lengths on PCBs decrease. Samtec's Flyover® solutions simplify PCB design and limit signal degradation in high data rate applications. Samtec's FireHawk™ rugged optical transceivers combine extreme density with extreme performance to meet the harshest environments of land, sea, air, and space.
Samtec's FireHawk™ Evaluation Kits (REF-231561-X.XX-XX) provide system designers, optical and SI engineers an easy-to-use solution for testing a variety of FireHawk™ rugged optical transceivers. Rated at 10 Gbps and 25 Gbps per lane in a x4 configuration, these kits allow the designer real-time evaluation of an actively running FireHawk™ rugged optical transceiver in a lab or benchtop setting.
FireHawk™ Evaluation Kits deliver high-quality systems with robust optical, electrical, and mechanical design. Please contact Samtec's technical experts at for additional information.
Please see drawing REF-231561-X.XX-XX for more detail.
Contact for additional ordering information.