Microelectronics System Support

Complete Support From Silicon-To-Silicon -
Because Every Point of Interconnection Is Critical

As requirements for smaller, faster, and more integrated microelectronics increase, the challenges designers face intensify exponentially. Samtec offers a unique blend of signal integrity and advanced IC packaging expertise to provide full channel system support for these next generation challenges.

From the early stages of the design process including package design, material selection and PCB routing, through in-depth analysis, modeling and simulation, with measurement validation services available to 67 GHz, Samtec Teraspeed Consulting and Signal Integrity Group engineers can help you optimize and validate your high-performance systems.

Full Channel Challenges

Miniaturization and Integration

Watch Steve Groothuis, CTO of Samtec Microelectronics, discuss how our Glass Core Technology enables highly integrated, ultra-miniaturized, high-performance electronics solutions.

IC Package, PCB Routing and Breakout Regions

Samtec Microelectronics provides advanced package & PCB design to help simplify your design process. Contact Samtec Teraspeed Consulting to discuss your application.

Materials Selection

Samtec Microelectronics offers materials expertise, along with relationships with suppliers specializing in qualified and cutting-edge materials. Contact Samtec Microelectronics Group to discuss your design requirements.

Protocol Compliance

Samtec offers advanced package design services that validate electrical performance requirements for the protocols you're implementing. Contact Samtec Teraspeed Consulting to discuss your application.

Cost Control

Our system optimization strategies can help streamline your high-performance design, controlling costs and getting you to market faster. Contact Samtec Teraspeed Consulting to discuss your application.

Power and Thermal Management

Increasing bandwidth requirements necessitate a system-level approach to design. Watch how our Signal Integrity Group and Samtec Teraspeed Consulting can help optimize your system.

Full Channel Expertise & Support

Package and PCB Design

  • Bumpout / ballout optimization
  • Ballout transition structures
  • Layout & routing
  • Material recommendations
support package pcb

Modeling and Simulation

  • Validate implementation and signaling requirements for critical channels
  • High bandwidth full-wave simulations
  • Design rules for package and PCB designs
  • Simulations via High-Performance Computing (HPC)
support simulations

Analysis, Testing & Validation

  • Characterization at frequencies to 67 GHz and beyond
  • Package, PCB and system-level Signal Integrity / Power Integrity
  • Post-design test, simulation and measurement
support validation